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All Purpose Herbal Salve

The All Purpose Salve is great for applying to minor skin wounds. It has a mixture of herbs that help with burns, bites, stings, and cuts, as well as strains, sprains, and broken bones. All Purpose Salve contains St. John's Wort, Comfrey, and Calendula.

Calendula Herbal Salve

This salve can be used for sunburn, insect bites, stings, inflamed muscles, minor scrapes and cuts, rashes, chafed skin, chapped lips, and other skin irritations. Calendula is one of our favorite herbs to use for the skin and has actually been nicknamed among many herbalists as “Mother of the Skin.”

Plantain Herbal Salve

We typically reserve our Plantain Salve for insect stings and bites and any time we need to draw something out of the skin, such as a splinter or infection.

St. Johns Wort Herbal Salve

St. Johns Wort herbal salve is a wonderful salve known for its many skin-soothing attributes. This salve is made with wild harvested St. Johns wort - sun-infused in olive oil that is thickened with beeswax and lavender essential oil added to it.