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All Purpose Herbal Salve

The All Purpose Salve is great for applying to minor skin wounds. It has a mixture of herbs that help with burns, bites, stings, and cuts, as well as strains, sprains, and broken bones. All Purpose Salve contains St. John's Wort, Comfrey, and Calendula.

Cayenne & St. John’s Wort Herbal Salve

Used for relieving many types of aches and pains. St. John's Wort's therapeutic properties and the pain-blocking abilities of Cayenne make this a perfect remedy for pain relief.

St. Johns Wort Herbal Salve

St. Johns Wort herbal salve is a wonderful salve known for its many skin-soothing attributes. This salve is made with wild harvested St. Johns wort - sun-infused in olive oil that is thickened with beeswax and lavender essential oil added to it.